Friday, February 25, 2011

Sonnet Gallery #1 -Just For Thee

Shakespearean Sonnet Gallery

Protect Thee

If thy see my face, on a shining hill

Well the stars above gave it the bright light

If thy are alone and feel the cold chill

Know that my love, shall see thee through the night

For thy sweet innocence, is radiance

And I hope thy will stay here forever

To be my love now, with bright songs and dance

For thy are a beautiful entity

But when thy left me ,I am struck by fear

I grow a hunger, only love can sate

I'm confused, and the future is unclear

I shall not grow old and give in to fate

But I know that love shall never give in

And it shall protect thee, from any sin

Just For Thee (Gallery Highlight)

Alas the gate to my heart is now closed

That was opened long ago, just for thee

And now thy are gone, with my love disposed

Though I don't want to, I let go of thee

Hear me bright star, the echoes of my cries

Sad, for the arrow of love has pierced my heart

I sing to you, my song as my soul dies

Telling the tale of the time I could not restart

And tis late, for I have fallen in love

With beauty so vast, that roses envy

With a smile so bright,that the stars speak of

Don't be surprised when I save thee, savvy?

So I sail through the raging ocean tides

But thy pure love, protects me from all sides

Pertrarchan Sonnet Gallery

No More Lies

A bottle of wine, shaking is the floor

And I don't wish to believe in thy lies

And I shall not be touched by thy fake cries

So I shalt have strength, to show thee the door

Thy never understood, my heart felt sore

So leave! And bring thy folly tears and cries

But tis no avail that I try to believe

Nothing can undo, what thy did before

I feel relief, without thee at my side

Thy wont go, what are thy trying to achieve

Too late! For the tides of life hath been stirred

I know thy wont give, so I keep my pride

Without thee, true love and care I shall receive

No more poison from the words that thy slurred

A Staircase to Heaven

I did not get a chance, to make thee smile

And must thy depart from beautiful life?

For if thy do, thy will bring my heart strife

And to the ends of the Earth I shall sail!

And with might I shall rid of all things vile

So thy can come back, to be true to life

Thy can't, leaving me to fend for myself

Oh and how I miss thy sweet precious smile

So does a staircase to heaven exist?

For I wish to replace, thy place with mine

What is the point of living, without life of my love

And I shall not surrender to this mist

Anything I shall climb , even a thorny vine

And all the doubt in my heart, I shall shove

Fair Maiden

I have a deep craving for thy sweet love

But I hath not the great courage to claim

For thy eyes lay on someone lame

But I shall not forsake my love

For thy are beauty beyond compare

So are thy feelings for me the same

For I have a fear to be stricken with shame

But falter I shalt not,for I shall fight for thy care

Finally I murmur to myself "hope"

And I race through eternity to find

A glimpse of hope and the strength to cope

And I rise,run,fight for thee fair maiden

Wherever thy lay, I shall not leave thee behind

Love that grew in us shall not be taken

Explanation: If you read all of these sonnets, then you may have noticed that I use thee and thy instead of you, thats because I'm a big fan of the old English language (I can thank Shakespeare for that). So I like to set my sonnets in a middle aged era or a fairy-tale like place. And most of them tells of a journey to find love. So I'm going to explain them one by one:

  • "Protect Thee" tells that death shall not conquer love. That love shall guide someone through anything. And how lost one can be, without love. So for the lucky ones who have love in this world, well this sonnet is telling you to appreciate what you have
  • "Just For Thee" is a sonnet that has a beauty in it that is really poetic and artistic, because of these words (to me at least). And it tells a tale of lost love and you want to get it back. So Just For the Person, the lover is willing to sacrifice almost anything
  • "No More Lies" is quite a straight-to-the-point sonnet. The sonnet tells that the man was so sick with his girlfriend's lies (vice versa), he just doesn't wish to be with her anymore. The tricky meaning to this poems is actually to do the opposite of the negative things in the poem. No lies and deceit, just love and honesty :)
  • Sometimes you learn lessons at just the right time, and sometimes you learn them to little to late.The sonnet "Staircase of Heaven" is a sonnet telling a tale of regret and lost love. And to me the words and beauty of the sonnet, may rival even a masterpiece painting. And that the person would go to lengths to leave life, to be with his/her lover.
  • "Fair Maiden" although may seem like a mature sonnet, it is actually intended for teens like myself. School is full of drama, one of them is a thing we call "Crushes". Almost every teenager has a crush it is almost certain. And the ugly truth why they call them crushes, is because it can crush your heart in the end. So this is a dedication to all the teens that have crushes. And now on to the meaning: it says that the person having a crush, is ready to take the risk. He/she is willing to wait and whenever the person's crush needs him/her, th person will always be there.

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