Thursday, March 10, 2011

Shape Poem Gallery #1 -Roses and Tears

My Rose in a Dying Field

Let the Rain be My Tears

These are 2 shape poems that I made. The theme is same as always "love". But it is way deeper, so I'll explain one by one:

My Rose in A Dying Field is more of an inspirational poem, that you have built your life around someone, until it reaches the point that you need that someone to live and be happy. So even when you are feeling down that someone can always cheer you up, hence "My Rose in A Dying Field".

Let the Rain be My Tears is a very deep poem to me. It is when you lost someone and you made a great mistake in doing so. The meaning is that the memories that you will have together even when that person is gone, the memories shall never go away, it will always be a part of you. And those memories only happened once, and it can't ever be repeated or replace. So you can see how precious it is and when you can't get to do it again, just looking back brings out tears...

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