Friday, February 25, 2011

Acoustic Poem Gallery #1 -Love and Life

Acoustic Poem Gallery


Land of everlasting love
On the horizon roses bloom
Vast plains of laughter
Everlasting affection

Passion to write and express
Oh so deep and artistic in every way
Emotions and feelings run free
Things as if you are in another world
Rest as you will, for you are free
Your way of expressing what is in your heart

Flaws are things that we have to live with
Learn to embrace it, because that’s who you are
And you may think that its horrible
Wishing that it would go away
Some flaws just cant go, because they make up for who you are

Life a great mystery that we live in
In this life, you make the best out of it
For it is the best gift that God gave to you
Exciting new things happen each day

Risky choices, I hate the most
I know that if I take it I can fail
Success however I always count on
Kings take risks, so why can’t I

Trust is a strong word
Realize that you should think carefully of who you trust
Under the depths of someones heart lies deceit
So play cautiously
Then again, you need people to trust if you want to be happy

Explanation: In the title it says that this gallery contains "Love and Life". Well the acoustic poems I made, these are all about love and life. I realize that theres a lot more to learn in life, that what most people my age go through, is just the beginning. I also realized that school is a dry run for the rest of your life, meaning what you are and who you are at school, will affect you for the rest of your life. Of course you can change, but the basics of your personality shaped from school, can never be changed. I learned that the hard way, I tried so hard to change who I am I lost my personality. But then it hits me, why does it matter? If even I didn't like myself, then why would anyone else? And each of these words on the poems are many things that are in life. You need love to grow and mature, you need poetry to learn and express, your born with flaws and you have to embrace it because it is who you are, you need to appreciate life because you only get to live once, you need to take risks in life because if you don't you'll never grow, and if you learn to trust people life would be much more easier. Again this is way to deep for my age, but these are my views and this is the reason why I wrote these poems.

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